“Improving Sperm Quality: Tips for Increasing Fertility in Men”

Even though men will not be carrying the child, a man’s health, particularly the state of his sperm, has a significant impact on whether his woman will become pregnant. Check out these tried-and-true male fertility tips to increase sperm count.

"Improving Sperm Quality: Tips for Increasing Fertility in Men"

The average number of sperm present in one sample of sperm is referred to as sperm count, and fertility physicians examine sperm count during routine sperm investigations and consider it to be an important determinant of fertility. Even though men will not be carrying the child, a man’s health, particularly the state of his sperm, has a significant impact on whether his woman will become pregnant.

In an interview, Dr. Madhuri Roy, a gynecologist and IVF consultant and founder and managing director of Conceive IVF in Pune, explained, “It is less likely that one of his swimmers will fertilize If he has a low sperm count, he can have your egg.” A low sperm count indicates that he has fewer sperm than usual. Normal sperm counts range from 15 million to 200 million per millilitre of sperm. If a man’s sperm count is less than 15 million, he has a low sperm count.”
She explained that a “normal” sperm count ranges from 15 million to 200 million sperm per millilitre of semen. According to the World Health Organization’s 2010 recommendations, sperm counts below 15 million per millilitre are considered low. A semen analysis can provide a precise count of your little soldiers, allowing you to keep track of your whereabouts.”

The good news, she continued, is that male infertility is not necessarily brought on by a low sperm count. There are also steps you can take to increase your sperm count and increase your chances of having a child together.” To improve your sperm count and maintain the chances in your favour,

Dr. Madhuri Roy recommended the following steps:

Exercise to bring it in :
Exercise is one of the most effective ways to increase sperm count. Regular exercise can boost your testosterone levels as well as the quality of your sperm. According to research, men who exercise for an hour at least three times a week have more sperm. Increased testosterone is a special benefit of strength training, but don’t expect to become Arnold Schwarzenegger overnight. Excessive exercise can actually lower testosterone levels. Balance is essential.

Consume whole, nutrient-dense foods:
During the pregnancy, not only the mother’s nutritional needs will be assessed; males will also require nutrients that increase fertility. According to research, expectant fathers require a high intake of vitamins C and E, zinc, and folic acid, all of which can be found in nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein.
Walnuts and other high-antioxidant foods, such as fruits and vegetables, have also been shown to improve sperm quality. Furthermore, deficiencies in vitamins C, D, and E, zinc, selenium, folic acid, and good fats like omega-3 fatty acids may affect sperm quantity and quality.
Reduced tension:
Helping your partner relax can increase sperm production and make sex more enjoyable. Make sure he gets enough rest and exercises frequently (but avoid ultra marathons; excessive exercise has been shown to reduce testosterone levels and sperm quality). Additionally, encourage him to practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation, or give him a massage.
Put your tighty-whities away:
Briefs or boxers? When it comes to getting pregnant, boxers are the way to go. Wearing clothing with a tight crotch may cause your scrotum to become overheated, which may reduce sperm production. Team Boxers had more sperm than people who wore briefs, according to research.
Quit drinking and smoking:
Smoking and recreational drug use have been linked to lower sperm counts. If a man drinks excessively, his stats may suffer as well. These behaviours, when combined, are especially harmful to male fertility. Furthermore, studies show that men who smoke have weaker libido desires and engage in less intercourse. Furthermore, smoking, using recreational drugs, and drinking alcohol may all have an effect on his performance in the bedroom.
Dr Madhuri Roy highlighted

The majority of evidence suggests that dietary changes, natural treatments, and lifestyle changes can assist a man in managing and increasing his sperm count.

Male infertility is a common problem. There’s nothing wrong with it. Loads can be increased in a variety of ways. If home remedies fail, consult your doctor. They can assist you in locating the best options based on your specific requirements

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