Tips for winter skin care for our pets

You can help keep your pet healthy and content all winter long by taking a few extra precautions to protect their skin.

Tips for winter skin care for our pets

The cold has arrived with winter. Get your sweaters and hot chocolate ready. Remember to keep our pets warm as you prepare to brave the cold; they require it just as much as we do. During the winter, it’s crucial to take similar care of your pet’s skin as you would of your own. To stay soft, supple, and comfortable, our bodies require a delicate balance of chemicals, bacteria, and moisture. This is also true for our pets. They, too, face similar issues, and their skin requires additional protection to avoid winter-related skin ailments. You can help keep your pet healthy and happy throughout the winter by taking a few extra precautions to protect their skin.

In a recent interview, Ambarish Sikarwar, Business Head at Zigly, provided some advice on how to care for our pets’ skin this winter.

1. Keep your pet well-groomed: Regular grooming can help to maintain the health of your pet’s skin and coat and prevent dry, flaky skin. Make sure to brush or comb in the direction of hair growth and use a brush or comb suitable for your pet’s coat type.

2. Keep your pet hydrated: Dry, itchy skin can result from dehydration, so make sure your pet always has access to clean, fresh water. During the winter, you might need to increase the amount of water your pet consumes because the dry indoor air can cause dehydration.

3. Use a humidifier: Your pet’s skin can become dry indoors if the air is dry. A humidifier can help keep the air moist and your pet’s skin hydrated.

4. Avoid hot baths: Hot water can strip your pet’s skin of its natural oils, resulting in dry, itchy skin. Instead, use lukewarm water and avoid using shampoo too frequently. When giving your pet a bath, use a moisturizing shampoo or conditioner to soothe and hydrate their skin. 5. Consult your veterinarian: If you notice your pet’s skin is excessively dry or itchy, or if they have any skin problems that persist despite your efforts to keep their skin healthy, it’s a good idea to consult your veterinarian. They can recommend the best course of treatment and assist in diagnosing any underlying skin conditions

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