“Understanding Bone Cancer: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options”

A growing bone tumour destroys healthy tissue and weakens the bone, making it brittle. Here’s everything you need to know about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of bone cancer.

"Understanding Bone Cancer: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options"

Bone cancer develops when the bone’s normal cells proliferate out of control, yet little is known about this particular cancer kind, and did you know that most bone tumours are benign (not cancerous) the majority of the time? Furthermore, benign tumours are not fatal and do not spread to other parts of the body, but cancerous tumours can occur.

Asian Cancer Institute’s Dr. Suhas Aagre, a consultant medical oncologist and hemato-oncologist, revealed

The symptoms of bone cancer are fever which doesn’t go away in 2-3 days, pain and swelling, unwanted weight loss, tiredness, limping, night sweats, inability to move, a lump over a bone, fractures, and stiffness of the joint. Bone tumours can affect any bone in the body, where a growing bone cancer destroys healthy tissue and weakens the bone, making it susceptible to fractures. The response is yes. Bone cancer can affect people of all ages, which is concerning. However, the precise causation of this particular kind of cancer remains unknown.

He listed some of the cancer treatment options possible –

Surgery: To remove the tumour, one will be asked to have surgery. The expert will replace the lost bone with bone from another part of the body as well as a metal and plastic replacement. Only a trained professional should perform the surgery.

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is a treatment option in which strong anti-cancer drugs are administered to patients to kill cancer cells. Your doctor will determine how many cycles you will needs. Radiation therapy, which uses X-rays to kill cancer cells, is another option.

The goal of Radiation therapy is to shrink the tumour before removing it. When cancer cells remain after surgery, surgery and radiation therapy can be used in parallel.
Some people may be advised to use targeted therapy. It targets specific cancer-related genes and proteins that promote cancer growth and survival. This type of treatment spares healthy cells and only targets cancerous cells. When detected at an early stage, bone cancer can be managed.

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