“Mind-Body Connection: Yoga Poses to Support Digestive Wellness”

A healthy digestive system can be supported, cleansed, and stimulated by certain yoga postures. Try each of these 11 yoga poses for better digestion for five sets of no less than 30 seconds.

The body needs nutrients to function properly because it is a sophisticated and complex machine that is capable of amazing feats. In addition to vitamins, minerals, and water, the nutrients your body needs to function come from the foods and beverages we consume, but digestion also gives your body access to proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. You need to make sure your stomach is working correctly if you want to stay healthy. The body absorbs the nutrients that have been broken down by the digestive system for use in cell growth, repair, and energy. A healthy digestive system can be supported, cleansed, and stimulated by certain yoga postures. The only posture that can be done right after eating is Vajrasana.

In an interview, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, the founder of Akshar Yoga Institutions, Himalayan Yoga Ashrama, and the World Yoga Organization, provided a list of 10 yoga poses for digestion. He urged practitioners to attempt to hold each pose for five sets of no less than 30 seconds.

"Mind-Body Connection: Yoga Poses to Support Digestive Wellness"
Sukhasana (happy pose)

1. Sukhasana (happy pose): Sit up straight with both legs extended and place your palms on the knees. The left leg should be folded and tucked inside the right thigh. The right leg should then be folded and tucked behind the left thigh.

"Mind-Body Connection: Yoga Poses to Support Digestive Wellness"
Dandasana (Staff Pose)

2. Dandasana (Staff Pose): Lie back while extending your legs out in front of you. With your heels touching, join your legs. uphold a straight back. Your thigh, calf, and pelvic muscles should be tightened. Put your palms on the floor next to your hips to support your spine. Relax your shoulders as well.

"Mind-Body Connection: Yoga Poses to Support Digestive Wellness"

3. Malasana also known as the “Waste Evacuation Pose,” is performed by starting from a standing position with your arms at your sides and bending your knees to bring your pelvis over your heels. Ensure that the ground is firmly under your feet. Put your hands in front of your chest in a prayer position, or place them on the floor next to your feet.

"Mind-Body Connection: Yoga Poses to Support Digestive Wellness"
Cat Cow Pose (Marjariasana)

4. Cat Cow Pose (Marjariasana): Urdhva Mukhi Marjari Asana: Kneel down, place palms on shoulders, and place knees on hips. Raise your head and take a deep breath. Exhale, bend your spine into an arch, and let your neck droop as you perform the Adho Mukhi Marjari Asana. Concentrate your attention on your chest.

"Mind-Body Connection: Yoga Poses to Support Digestive Wellness"
Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose)

5. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose): Kneel down and rest your pelvis on your heels while keeping your heels slightly apart. Face forward and straighten your back.

"Mind-Body Connection: Yoga Poses to Support Digestive Wellness"
Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

6. Ustrasana (Camel Pose):Kneel on the yoga mat and place your hands on your hips. Position your palms over your feet while maintaining a straight back and arms. Keep your neck in a neutral, relaxed position. Exhale, then slowly move backwards from where you were.

"Mind-Body Connection: Yoga Poses to Support Digestive Wellness"
Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arm Pose)

7. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arm Pose): To stretch, raise your arms above your head while standing. Taking a deep breath, gently arc your upper back, neck, and head. Keep your arms close to your ears while slouching back slightly with your upper body.

"Mind-Body Connection: Yoga Poses to Support Digestive Wellness"

8. Bhujangasana): While lying on your stomach, carefully lift your head and trunk using only your hands as support. You should look up, slightly arc your neck back, and keep your arms at your sides. Make sure the ground is touching your navel.

"Mind-Body Connection: Yoga Poses to Support Digestive Wellness"

9. Halasana: Lay on your back with your palms facing inward. Lift your legs up and place them behind your head by pressing your palms firmly into the ground. In case your back needs support, use your palms. hold the position for some time.

A Word of Warning If you have lumbago, neck pain, spondylitis, or high blood pressure, please avoid this posture.

"Mind-Body Connection: Yoga Poses to Support Digestive Wellness"
Sirshasana (headstand)

10. Sirshasana (headstand): Begin in Vajrasana. Your palms should be together and your elbows should be on the ground. On the floor, you must create a triangle with your palms and elbows. Place your palms forward and your chin on the ground. The back of your head should be supported by your palms. Until your back straightens, move your toes in the direction of your head. Lift one leg first, then raise the other leg gradually.

Word of Advice Do not use this posture if you have high blood pressure, spondylitis, lumbago, or neck pain.

"Mind-Body Connection: Yoga Poses to Support Digestive Wellness"

11. Sarvangasana: Lie on your back. Lift your legs off the ground, and then gradually lift your pelvis. With your palms, support your back. Ensure that your shoulders, torso, pelvis, legs, and feet are all in alignment. Keep an eye on your feet at all times.

Advice: Avoid doing this asana if you have problems with your wrists, neck, or shoulders. When a woman is pregnant or menstruating, she must avoid this pose. Avoid if you have high blood pressure, cervical spondylitis, a slipped disc, an enlarged thyroid, liver, or spleen, any of these conditions, or any other heart conditions.

Try not to eat out frequently if you want better digestion. Eat more home-cooked meals and less spicy, processed, and high-fat or high-sugar foods. Increase your consumption of fibre because it helps with digestion. Eat heart-healthy fats to get the daily recommended amount of good cholesterol. To stay hydrated, sip lots of water. Yoga can support the development of mindful eating practices, better sleep, and stress management.

It’s important to remember that these poses should only be done with the assistance of a certified yoga instructor because using the wrong technique can be dangerous. Before beginning any new exercise program, it’s also a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional.

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